As a job seeker, it’s important to be careful when looking for work, because scams and fake job postings are common in the modern job search world. Please be aware that Jobsmartic does not conduct hiring on behalf of any businesses; rather, we aim to provide a platform for job advertisements to be amplified for a wider reach. It is crucial for any jobseeker to do their due diligence and research the authenticity of any job posting before applying, to avoid falling into the traps of scammers.


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Please be aware that Jobsmartic will never request payment in exchange for a job opportunity, scholarship, or any other service that we are providing. Any offer that asks for money should be a red flag, and you should tell the right people so they can take legal action. It is also advisable that you avoid providing personal or financial information until you have verified the authenticity of the job posting and the company that is hiring.

We take every precaution to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of the job postings on our platform for the sake of job seekers. Due to the fact that some job postings come from outside employers, we are unable to 100% guarantee their authenticity or accuracy. Therefore, we are not liable for any damages that may arise from any information that we post.

Still, to help job seekers figure out if a job posting or other information we put on our website is Legit, we try to include official links to the source of the information at the end of each post. At Jobsmartic, we want to help people find legitimate and satisfying jobs both locally and around the world. You are welcome to use our platform and our FREE resources to advance your job search and advance your career.

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