Project Coordinator


Specific responsibilities of the PC include but are not limited to the following:

  • Oversee and manage project implementation activities in accordance to agreed plans and report on progress and outcomes in a methodological manner, including technical reports and financial reporting.
  • Co-ordinate and work with participating FIs, relevant Government ministries and departments, implementing partners, service providers and IFAD and other development partners projects in the areas of intervention of RK-FINFA to ensure smooth execution of the project activities.
  • Ensure timely preparation, clearance, and approval of consolidated AWPBs andProcurement Plans, and their execution in accordance with the overall RK-FINFAobjectives.
  • Supervise the work of the PMU staff and undertake their performance evaluation in atimely manner.
  • Promote conducive work environment that promotes knowledge sharing and learningfrom experiences among members of the Project staff, GoK teams and implementingpartners.
  • Ensure full inclusion of women, youth, and vulnerable groups among the beneficiaries ofthe project, according to the agreed social targeting approach of the project.
  • Oversee and guide the procurement process of all goods and services, adhering to theagreed IFAD and GoK rules and procedures.
  • Facilitate and support the joint IFAD/GoK supervision and implementation supportmissions and follow-up, midterm, and completion missions, and ensure that their recommendations are fully implemented.
  • Work pro-actively to mobilize more resources to scale up the operations of the RK-FINFAcore investment components.
  • Build and maintain strong collaborative relationships with all project stakeholders andlocal networks and partner organizations, engaging them on a regular basis to integratetheir feedback into the implementation and progress of the project.
  • Represent the project in relevant public events and organise knowledge managementsevents of RK-FINFA achievements through different media.
  • Any other duty as may be assigned by the Principal Secretary/ National Treasury.

Minimum Requirements

  • Relevant Advanced Degree, bachelor’s degree in project management, Finance,Economics, or related relevant discipline, with sound knowledge of contemporary issuesin the rural economy of Kenya.
  • Relevant professional work experience of at least 12 years, 7 of which in Management ofDevelopment Partner funded project, project management, project financialadministration and budgeting, including leadership of multi-disciplinary team of experts.
  • Good understanding in banking and rural finance operations. Knowledge of the Kenyanfinancial sector, in agricultural finance and climate / green finance will be an addedadvantage.
  • Excellent analytical skills, sound judgment, resourcefulness, ability to take initiatives,capacity to self-manage and ability to create a team-based, participatory workenvironment.
  • Sound understanding of the Kenya’s multi-level government systems (National andCounty Governments) and their governance and administration modalities.
  • Relevant ICT skills.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English. A mastery of Kiswahili isdesirable.

Other Requirements

  • Additional training in either Leadership, Policy or Project Management desired
  • Good skills in strategic planning and partnership building.

Financial Controller


Specific responsibilities of the Financial Controller include but are not limited to the following:

  • Installation of appropriate financial/reporting systems to ensure that the PMU and  especially the Project Coordinator are regularly informed of on-going financial status and  transactions. 
  • Ensure timely capture of project in the GoK budget as required by the GoK budgeting  processes and calendars including access to counterpart funding. Evaluate annual work plan  and budgeting procedures, and budgetary control systems applied to monitor actual  expenditures versus budget including commitment controls to avoid commitments beyond  available resources.
  • Communicate to all implementing partner institutions and service providers their financial  responsibilities, the funds available and how to access it, and the requirements of reporting  and record keeping in accordance with prevailing government practices which are acceptable  to IFAD.
  • Ensure that all project funds are used in accordance with the conditions of the financing  agreements, with due attention to economy and efficiency, and only for the purposes for  which the funds were provided.
  • Assess compliance with Kenya laws and regulations governing the operations of the  implementing institutions including accountancy standards and the requirements for audits  and financial reporting. 
  • Ensure that all necessary supporting documents, records, and accounts are kept in respect  of all project activities, with clear linkages between the books of account and the financial  statements presented to the financiers.
  • Ensure that designated account and operational accounts are maintained in accordance  with the provisions of the financing agreement and in accordance with the financier’s rules and procedures.
  • Contribute to the preparation of the Project Implementation and Financial Manuals.
  • Ensure the Project’s Financial Procedures as detailed in the Project Implementation and  Financial Manuals are strictly adhered to by all Project staff and executing agencies at the  national and local levels.
  • Ensure that the financial statements are prepared in accordance with the prevailing  standards.
  • Liaise with external auditors to audit the project accounts to meet the required submission  dates by both GoK and IFAD. Review external auditor’s reports (Audit Opinions and  management letters), including any qualifications and whether any concerns raised by  auditors have been adequately addressed.
  • Liaise with the other project implementing agencies to ensure that Interim Financial Reports  are prepared in timely manner and forwarded to IFAD.
  • Process documentation and follow up on disbursements from the government and IFAD  to ensure that releases are not delayed. Ensure that funds for project implementation are  disbursed in a timely manner to enable project interventions to be carried out on time.
  • Review eligibility of expenditure in accordance with the financing agreement.
  • Report on the operation of internal control including budget controls and report any  deviations.
  • Assist the Project Coordinator with the Resource Mobilization of the Project.
  • deputize the Project Coordinator in matters project administration
  • Any other duty as may be assigned by the Project Coordinator.

Minimum Requirements

  • In addition to the general requirements listed above, the following specific qualifications and other requirements are required:
  • An Advanced Degree in Business Administration, Finance, Accounting or related relevant discipline with a relevant bachelor’s degree from a recognized University.
  • CPA Kenya qualification
  • Membership to ICPAK required.
  • At least a minimum of 10 years’ experience working in a similar field and level, 5 of which in Development Partner funded project,

Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist


The specific duties of the Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will include: Coordinate the baseline, midterm, end-term surveys and project completion reports.

Set up the M&E system for RK-FINFA:

  • Revise the project logframe matrix and include gender sensitive indicators.
  • Assist in developing the results oriented-AWPB.
  • Develop the overall framework for the project M&E.
  • Guide the process of reporting against the project key indicators.
  • Prepare M&E matrix.

Set up an MIS system that entails:

  • Development of formats (for data collection, analysis and interpretation) to track  project inputs and its results: production, consumption, sales and income of the producers and traders/buyers at household, group and value chain/cluster level.
  • Coordinate with other project staff, (especially planning and M&E staff), to ensure MIS  system is appropriately designed and implemented such that they enable data-rich  knowledge management, captures and analyses disaggregated data on gender and  social inclusion.
  • Define requirements for use of software for a web-based online MIS and off-line tabletbased devices.
  • Provide technical assistance to recruit, guide and supervise organisations or individuals contracted to implement surveys and studies required for evaluating project effects and impacts.
  • Develop a capacity-building plan on M&E for the project staff and implementing partners, including:
  • Development of training modules for different stakeholders and partners;
  • Development of operation manuals/guidelines on M&E processes;
  • Use of software for MIS and GIS required for the functioning of the MIS system;
  • Train M&E staff of partner institutions at national and local levels (Training of  Trainers); and 
  • Set up a cascade training mechanism for relevant focal project Officers, Social  Mobilizers and Business Skills Mentors and Gender Action Learning System Social Mentors.
  • Design, at the project start-up, a RK-FINFA communication strategy, geared towardsthe target group and stakeholders, project implementers, and to a wider public, both within Kenya and outside.
  • Develop a functional approach for prioritising and implementing Knowledge Management activities and for developing and disseminating knowledge tools and products.
  • Assist the Project Coordinator in consolidating gender sensitive project progress reports.
  • Advise the Senior Management by identifying areas of concerns that might justify a review of the project M&E and KM systems and/or implementation arrangements, including adverse effects on target groups as a result of project implementation, and suggest remedial measures if necessary.
  • Undertake regular field visits to follow-up recommendations made from previous supervision missions and support the project implementation in other ways as requested by the Project Coordinator.
  • Take lead in the preparation of periodic M&E reports and the project completion report
  • Take lead in the preparation of the Project Annual Work Plan and Budget
  • Contribute to the preparation of the project financial report
  • Carry out any other relevant duties as may be assigned by the Project Coordinator.

Minimum Requirements 

  • Master’s degree in finance, Economics, Statistics, M&E, Development Studies, Rural Development, Planning or a related field
  • A minimum of 10 years of work experience with M&E and KM designs and implementation, 5 of which in a donor funded project.
  • Solid knowledge of participatory M&E approaches and techniques.
  • Strong knowledge in the development of performance-based indicators.
  • Demonstrated experience in the techniques of data collection, data entry, data analysis and design of management information systems to facilitate the planningand decision- making processes within the institution/s.

Senior Rural Finance Specialist


The specific duties of the Senior Rural Finance Specialist will include:

  1. Provide pro-active support to the start-up and subsequent implementation to all rural finance-related RK-FINFA activities.
  2. Provide pro-active support to the start-up arrangements of the rural finance-related
  3. Participating Financial Institutions and borrower capacity building operations of RK-FINFA and their subsequent, effective implementation.
  4. Support the finalisation of the contractual arrangements for the establishment of the rural
  5. window to the National Credit Guarantee Scheme (CGS) and the smooth start-up of the R-CGS operations with banks, MFBs and SACCOs
  6. Work with the financial sector to engage Financial Institutions with rural orientation to actively expand their rural outreach with R-CGS support and cover
  7. Support the National Treasury (NT) in the selection and engagement of the Host Institution for the Green Financing Facility
  8. Work directly with the Green Financing Facility (GFF) Host institution to encourage the active participation of appropriate MFBs and rural DT-SACCOs in the green financing operations with the GFF support.
  9. Oversee the establishment of an effective, IT-based MIS and reporting systems for the R-CGS and GFF operations and organise systematic field verification visits to the PFIs and their RK-FINFA-supported clients
  10. Lead, together with the NT and the GFF Host Institution, the fundraising efforts to scale of the outreach and impact of the RK-FINFA key financing instruments Co-operate with the RK-FINFA supported efforts to improve the operational environment for rural finance in Kenya, including mainstreaming to the National Treasury initiative totransform the CGS into a semi-independent company Prepare, jointly with the implementing partners and the project Knowledge Management (KM) staff, knowledge management products based on RK-FINFA rural finance
  11. experiences and use appropriate media to publish these products in Kenya and in the region
  12. Contribute to the formulation of the project workplans and budget with a focus of the Rural Finance intervention.
  13. Supervise and verify the quality of rural finance related services delivered by partners and service providers contracted by the Coordination Unit.
  14. Technical Participation in the design, monitoring and evaluation of the rural finance monitoring and evaluation framework; and ensure that project targets and development objectives are timely and effectively met
  15. Lead the technical preparation of the project periodic progress reports in the area of rural
  16. financial services clearly assessing implementation progress; achievement of outputs based expected development outcomes; and recommendations on the way forward
  17. In collaboration with the Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, ensure related knowledge management, including the identification of policy lessons, are developed and uploaded in the Programme’s website.
  18. In collaboration with the Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, coordinate the economic and financial analyses on the impact of RK-FINFA funded activities on target groups.
  19. Lead the preparation and negotiations of performance-based agreement with the project partners and service providers intervening in the implementation of rural financial services.
  20. Work closely with other rural finance support initiatives in Kenya with the regional RF networks to learn from their experiences for the benefit of RK-FINFA implementation.
  21. Ensure implementation of the recommendations of supervision and follow-up missions in the areas of rural financial services.
  22. Participate in technical knowledge sharing forums on Rural Finance in the Country and regions.
  23. Identification of new, appropriate PFIs for the GFF operations when expanding the GFFcover area from the original 14 counties to a nationwide coverage
  24. Contribute to the preparation of the project financial report.
  25. Undertake any other duty assigned by the Project Coordinator.

Minimum Requirements 

  • An advance Degree in Finance, Economics or related with a bachelor’s degree incommerce, Finance, Economics, or related discipline, with sound knowledge ofcontemporary issues in the rural economy of Kenya.
  • A post graduate qualification in Development Finance
  • Relevant professional work experience of at least 10 years at a senior level in a
  • development finance institution or rural finance programme, and 5 of which in
  • donor funded rural finance projects
  • Working knowledge of written and spoken English and Kiswahili
  • Excellent analytical and report writing skills.
  • Excellent spoken and written English.
  • Strong knowledge of computer applications, particularly MS Excel, Word, Access and Powerpoint, STATA and other software packages for data analysis and technica reports.

Project Accountant

VACANCY NO: 12/PA/2023

Specific responsibilities of the Project Accountant include but are not limited to the following:

  • Preparation of Accounting source documents.
  • File the project documents appropriately with adequate cross reference to ensure ease of  retrieval.
  • Follow up of accountabilities, maintaining a detailed log of outstanding accountabilities.
  • Data entry into the accounting system.
  • Preparation of reconciliations for review by the Financial Controller.
  • Facilitate both internal and external auditors to audit the project’s financial transactions  and reports to meet the required submission dates by IFAD.
  • Support the Financial Controller in preparation of reports to enable the withdrawal of  funds from IFAD and GoK.
  • Maintain key registers such as fixed assets; inputs into the contracts register, contract  monitoring forms.
  • Support the financial controller in the preparation of informative management accounts  in the form of monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports regarding aspects of  project financial monitoring bringing out variances and advising implementers as to the  limits of expenditure.
  • Support in review reports of IFAD/GoK supervision or review missions and follow-up on the  implementation of agreed actions.
  • Support in review other aspects of the accounting and financial control systems, including  cash management and banking; procurement of goods and services; advances and acquittals;  authorisation of expenditure; and budget/actual comparisons.
  • Preparation of the Annual Financial Report.
  • Carry out any other activities as may be assigned by the financial controller.

Minimum Requirements

  • An Advance Degree in Business Administration, Finance, Accounting, Economics or related with a bachelor’s degree in finance or accounting from a recognized University.
  • CPA-K qualification
  • At least 7 years of relevant work experience, 3 of which in a donor funded project.
  • Membership to ICPAK required.
  • Computer-literate including accounting packages and well-versed in the use of Excel, Word, and basic data base set-ups.
  • Fluent in English (written and spoken).
  • Excellent communication skills and practical knowledge of Information Communication Technology (ICT) skills.

Method of Application

Interested applicants who meet the qualification requirements are requested to submit their application through Online Application Form April 18 to April 28, 2023. Cover letter and detailed copy of the CV should be forwarded to [email protected] while clearly giving the Job Reference, National Identity Card or passport number as the email reference. No copies of qualification certificate are required at this stage. Shortlisted candidates will be required to present original certificates as disclosed in their online application form during the interviews. 
Application closes on April 28, 2023 at 1700hrs East African Time. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted


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