Kenya News Agency (KNA) is the flagship of the Department of Information. It was established in 1963 as a medium for building the nascent nation. Its main objective at the time was to create a common Kenyan identity through a coherent and a cohesive voice. It gathered, processed and disseminated local print and electronic news using the Kenyan narrative, and thus complemented the then Voice of Kenya (VOK), now Kenyan Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) to propagate the Government’s development agenda. Its predecessor, the Kenyan Information Service (KIS) was formed in 1939 to disseminate information on World War II and was wound up in 1945.

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Requirements for an institution applying on behalf of students

  1. A letter of introduction from the training institution indicating clearly that the students are insured.
  2. List of students indicating their name, admission number, national ID/Birth Certificate number, and preferred county of attachment

NB: On the day of collection of attachment letters, one MUST submit copy of ID/Birth Certificate /Passport and Police Clearance Certificate of each student

Requirements for individual application

  1. A letter of introduction from the training institution requesting for attachment indicating clearly that the student is insured
  2. Valid national ID/Birth Certificate/Passport
  3. Police Clearance Certificate

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Application Guidelines

Instructions for application for Industrial Attachment

Students in learning institutions who may require attachment may apply to Kenya News Agency
(KNA) either as an institution or an individual.

The applicant must visit Uchumi House 5th Floor, Aga Khan Walk, Nairobi.

A student may be posted to any county office/station that has space/vacancy and not necessarily one of his/her choice.

Before reporting to the station, the student should be accredited by the Media Council of Kenya.

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