The National Employment Authority (NEA) was established through the National Employment Authority Act 2016. The Act provides for the comprehensive institutional framework for employment management, enhance employment promotion intervention, and access to employment by the youth, minorities and marginalized group for connected purposes.

The Authority invites applications from suitably qualified, dynamic, result oriented, self-driven and experienced applicants to fill the following positions

Records Management Officer (NEA Grade 6)

Number of Vacancies/Positions: 1
Grade : NEA Grade 6
Salary Scale : Kshs 50,874 – 88,630
House Allowance : As per Salaries and Remuneration Commissions rates
Commuter allowance : Kshs5 ,000
Leave entitlement : 30 days per financial year
Terms of service : Contract

Job Specifications

This will be an entry level and training grade for degree holders into this cadre. An officer at this level will work and the supervision of a senior officer.

Duties and responsibilities entails assisting in:

(i) Ensuring security of information, documents, files and office equipment
(ii) Supervision of the registry; sorting and classifying documents for filing.
(iii) Storage, updating and maintenance of personnel records and file index
(iv) Controlling opening of open, confidential and secret files
(v) Custody and Maintenance of Authority documents; ensuring security of information and Records in a registry/archives.
(vi) Ensuring mail are received, sorted, opened, and dispatched and related registers are maintained
(vii) Planning appropriate office accommodation for registries;
(viii) Ensuring that file movement records are. Updated and maintained; overseeing
(ix) security of files and documents;
(x) Ensuring receipt and proper dispatch of mails and maintaining related
(xi) Digitizing Authority’s documents for circulation and archiving.

Requirements for appointment to this position

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have at least:

(i) Bachelors Degree in any of the following disciplines: – Information Science Management, Records Management or any of the Social Sciences plus a Certificate in Records Management/Information Management or other relevant and equivalent qualifications from a recognized Institution;
(ii) Proficiency in computer applications;
(iii) Fulfilled the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.


Apply On The official website Using The Link Below

Apply here


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