Job Purpose/Mission
The Area Administrator is responsible for Customer experience in the Service Centers, logistics and stock and handover of products to customers that are eligible.
- To observe and record 100% accuracy handover per shop, F or ea c h hando v e r , a l l r e l e v a nt d oc u m ents ( c or r e s pon di ng c u s to m er c ontra c t, proof o f ID, c u s to m er de cl arat i on f orm et c .) are sc ann e d & up l oad e d per customer via Mtawi
- Physical stock counting (daily) and reconciling physical stock with stock levels on Tally software system.
- Matching of expected and submitted inventory, matching of stock figures (DB/Tally) and the physical stock count.
- Coordinating submission of daily/weekly reports of return and repairs within the responsible regions per Service Center
- Ensure customer education is highly conducted to promote customer satisfaction and Explaining after-sales service to the customer.
- Correctly transacting and tracking all incoming and outgoing inventory to ensure accurate stock levels are consistently maintained on Tally software system.
- Contribute to 10% of sales target as per the hub distribution and handle all walk-in customers at the Service Centers.
- Ensuring all licenses and regulatory data is up to date and correctly displayed as per the QA management policy.
- Fully implement the FIFO methodology within the Service Centers
- Di spla y s y s t em s t o b e p r esen t able , comple t e , clea n, an d w o r kin g a t an y ti me.
- A chie v e financial reporting on Service Center expenses month by month per region and as per the assigned Service Center.
- St o r ag e r oo m se t u p ( proper a rr angemen ts o f i t ems , labelling , sepa r a t io n o f spa re pa rt s ( use d an d b r oken ) .
- Organizing all documents in designated folders (logistics documents and customer contracts)
- Gathering a benchmark data for assessment purpose and analysis of causes of portfolio deterioration.
- Completing assigned tasks in line with applicable policies, guidelines, processes, and procedures.
- Displaying Mobisol SHS and appliances as instructed and ensuring a shop appearance in line with Service Center related guidelines.
Knowledge And SkillsExperience:
- 2 years’ experience in stock Management and customer service.
- Experience in customer relationship management.
- Team Player
- Be a holder of a diploma, preferably in Business, Logistics and its related fields
- English
- A native language
Technology: Computer Literacy