Description of the project the intern will complete:

In collaboration with the county EPI lead for Garissa County:

  • Coordinate field activities related to pilot testing of immunization demand solutions.
  • Ensure timely communication with all relevant stakeholders including county health team and PATH Living Labs team on matters relating to implementation of the solutions.
  • Keep record of field activities and update County EPI Lead and PATH Living Labs Lead of progress, challenges and adaptations being made.
  • Collect, manage and analyze data related to impact of solutions.
  • Collaborate virtually with project teams and other stakeholders.
  • Adhere to Living Labs procedures for human subjects’ research including privacy and confidentiality.

Benefit to Intern:

  • Capacity building their skills to be able to conduct the full cycle of Human Centered Design

Internship’s goals and learning objectives:

  • Introduction and orientation to HCD
  • Opportunity to integrate professional knowledge on into how Living Labs applies HCD.

Proposed activities:

  • Start to end interviews with caregivers, health care workers, community opinion leaders.
  • Conduct complete phases of human centered design- 4D approach.
  • Be able to independently utilize HCD tools.
  • Report writing

Learning outcomes (how the Intern’s performance will be evaluated):

  • Monthly targets set and evaluated by performance manager and documented in intern files

Required Skills and Experience:

  • Ability to engage users through virtual tools.
  • Comfortable with working openly and transparently, sharing works-in-progress, failures, successes, and lessons-learned.
  • Creative and curious.
  • Voracious learner.
  • Passionate about addressing health issues in low-resource settings.
  • Receptive to and values open and honest feedback from colleagues and stakeholders.
  • Fearless about sharing ideas.
  • Independent thinker that takes initiative.
  • A bachelor’s degree in social sciences
  • Must be a native of Garissa County who understands the county well and speaks the local language.

Apply On The official website Using The Link Below

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