Benefits for the above positions include a competitive basic salary, house allowance, medical cover for staff and dependents, life Insurance, opportunities for further development and training and other regular allowances as determined by SRC.

Interested applicants should submit four (4) copies of their application accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae, providing details of age, marital status, academic and professional qualifications, work experience, present post and salary, email address, telephone, names and contacts of three referees who are knowledgeable about the competence of the applicant, copies of relevant certificates and testimonials.

Applications and letters of recommendation from referees should be addressed to:
The Vice Chancellor
Pwani University
P. O Box 195-80108, Kilifi

Candidates with foreign qualifications MUST submit a Certificate of Recognition from the Commission of University Education (CUE).

Pwani University is an equal opportunity employer, female candidates and persons living with disability are encouraged to apply. The latter should attach their National Council for Persons with Disability (NCPWD) Certificate.

The deadline for submitting applications is Friday 9th February 2024. Applications received later than this date will not be considered

Please Note that: Only shortlisted candi


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