Registered Nurse III (74 Posts)
Ref: KSM/CPSB/1/05/2023
Duties and Responsibilities
- Assessing, planning, implementing nursing interventio ns and evaluating patients outcomesl
- Diagnosing common health conditionsl
- Providing appropriatehealthcare service includinglntegrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IlrtCi,IntegratedManagement of Adolescents and Adulthood illnesses (IMAD, immunization and reproductive health,
- Providinghealth education and counseling to patients/ clients and community on identified health needs ;
- Implementing recommendations from research findings for improvement of carel
- ReferrinS patients and clients appropriatelyl
- Facllitating patients’ admission and initiating discharge plans Maintaining records on patients/clients health condition and carcl
- EnsurinS atidy and safe clinical environmentl
- Planning, implementing interventions and preparing periodic reportsl
- Identifyrng occupational health needs;
- Makingrecommendations;
- Conducting cLinical teaching and assessing nursing students
- Be a Kenyan citizen
- Diploma in any of the following disciplines: Kenya Registered Community Health
- Nursing, Kenya Registered Nursing, Kenya Registered Miclwifery,,Kenya Registered
- Nursing/Midwifery or Kenya Registered NursinglMeftalHealth and Psychiatry from a recognrzed institution
- Registration Certificate issued by the Nursing Council of Kenya
- Yalid practicing license from the Nursing Council of Kenya
- Certificate in computer applicationskills from a recognized institution
- Demonstrate understanding of and commitment to the values and principles outlined in Articles 70 and 232 of the Constitution.
Functional Skil1s, Behavioral Competencies/Attributes:
- Leadership
- Communication
- Interpersonal
- Organrzational
- Ability to work under pressure
- Problem solving
- Integrity
- Teamplayer
Registered Nurse – Anaesthetist
Ref: KSM/CPSB/2/05/2023
Duties and Responsibilities
- Pre-Anesthetic Prcparatron andEvaTuation of patients
- Provide intra-operative care to include: Obtarnrng,preparing and using standard equipment, monitors, supplies and drugs used for the administratron of anesthesia and sedation techniques, performing and ordering safety checks as rcquired.
- Administer general anesthesia and regional anesthesia
- Provide post Anesthesra Care to patients
- Giving expert opinion on management of patients
- Be a holder of a Diploma in any of the following disciplines: Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing, Kenya Registered Nursing, Kenya Registered Midwiferyfrom a recognrzed institution;
- Be aholder of a Higher Diploma in Anesthesia from a recognized rnstitution
- Possess a Registration Certificate from the Nursing Council of Kenya
- Possess a valid practicing nurse anesthetist license from the Nursing Council of Kenya
- Have knowledge of operating Theatre (o.T) procedures, standards and equipment.
Registered Clinical Officer III
Ref: KSM/CPSB/3/05/2023
Duties and Responsibilities
- Facility in charge at dispensary or at health center
- Taking history, examining, diagnosing and treating patients’ conlmon allments at an outpatient or inpatient health facility
- Implementing commutrity health care activities in liaison with other health workers
- GuidinS and counseling patients, clients and staff on health issues
- Sensitizingpatrents and clients on preventive and promotive health
- CarLry out minor surgical procedures as per training and skill
- Coliecting and compiiing chnical data
- Referring patients and clients to appropriatehealth facilitiesAnd providing supervisory role at the dispensary and health center.
- Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery or Clinical Medicine and Community Health from a recognized institution
- Certificate of Registration by the Clinical Officers Council
- Certificate in Computer Application Skills from a recognized institution; and
- Shown merit and abllity as reflected in work performance and results.
- Yalidpracticinglicense from the clinical officers council
Registered Clinical Officer – Anaesthetist
Duties and Responsibilities
- History taking, examining, diagnosis, educationandtreatingpatient’s common ailments
- at an outpatient or inpatienthealth facllity.
- Guiding and Counselling patients, clients and staff onhealth issues.
- Carrying out surgical procedures in theatres.
- Sensitizingpatients and clients on preventive and promotive health.
- Assessing, preparing and presenting medico -leSalreports.
- Ensuring compliance with the set standard operating procedures.
- Training, guiding and monitoring students on internship.
Qualification and Experience
- His/her Diploma in Anesthesia or its equivalent fuom a recognized institution.
- Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery or Clinical Medicine and Community Health
- Proven experience of not less than three (3) years as a Registered Clinical Officer.
- Certificate of registration from the Clinical Officers Council.
- Annual retention certiftcate.
- CertificateinComputet applications.
How to apply:
The candid.ate should apply by downloading and filling application for employment form available on our website: or flll and submit together with copies of academic and professional certificates in pdf. format as a continuous document to [email protected] on or Before 2nd june 2023 5.OOp.m. Please indicate the vacancy,reference number and the position applied for on the employment form. NOTE: No manual applications will be accepted
For those with foreign Degrees should have them authenticated by Commission for Higher Education (CHE). In addition, during the interview, they will be requiied to submit their academic certificates authenticated by Issuing Instifutions to the Boatd. : Chapter 6 requirements will only be required from successful candidates upon offer of job and not at the application stage.
Any forrn of canvassing will lead to automatlc disqualification.’ .
- The Kisumu County public Service Board is an Equal Opportunity Employer, the minority,marginalized groups and personi with Disabilities who meet the minimum requirements are encoutaged to apply.
- The Board does not charge any fee for interviews and prrccessing of applications’
- Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted