Miyare Agricultural Training Center (ATC) Board Members (9 Post)
- Serve as a member of board that is committed to the advancement of the institution;
- Provide technical and professional input, advice and guidance to the direction of the institution;
- Participate fully in decision making activities;
- Raise the profile of the institution in the community and at large;
- Build relationships with all stakeholders
- Be a Kenyan citizen
- Hold a minimum of a degree from a recognized institution
- Have at least three (3) years experience in farming and practicing;
- Have demonstrated professional competence and managerial capabilities
- Demonstrate an appreciation of the diversity within the County;
- Be visionary and strategic in approach;
- Be a team player with an ability to network;
- Demonstrate flexibility and adaptability;
- Satisfy the requirements of Chapter six of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 on leadership and integrity
Rongo- Municipality Board Members (4 Posts)
- The Board of the Municipality shall perform the following functions;
- Oversee the affairs of the Municipality.
- Formulate and implement the integrated development plan.
- Develop and adopt policies, plans, strategies and programmes including setting targets for delivery of services.
- Control land use within the municipality, land sub-division, land development, and zoning by public and private sectors for any purpose including industry, commerce, markets, shopping and residential areas, parks, entertainment, passenger transport, agriculture, and freight and transit stations within the framework of the spatial plan.
- As delegated by the County Government, promote and undertake infrastructural
- Develop and manage schemes, including site development in collaboration with relevant national and county agencies.
- Maintain a comprehensive database and information system of the administration and provide public access thereto upon payment of a nominal fee to be determined by the board.
- Administer and regulate its internal affairs.
- Implement applicable natural and county legislation.
- Enter into such contracts, partnerships or joint ventures as it may consider necessary for the discharge of its functions under the Urban Areas and cities Act or other written law.
- Monitor and regulate municipal services where these services are provided by service providers other than the Board of the Municipality.
- Prepare its budget for approval by the County Executive Committee and administer the budget as approved.
- As may be delegated by the County Government, collect rates, taxes, levies, duties, fees and surcharge on fees.
- Settle and implement tariff, rates, tax and implement debt collection policies as delegated by the County Government.
- Monitor the impact and effectiveness of any services, policies, programs or plans
- Establish, implement and monitor performance management systems.
- Promote a healthy and safe environment.
- Facilitate and regulate public transport.
- Perform such other functions as may be delegated as may be delegated to it by thr county government or as may be provided for by any written law.
- Be a Kenyan Citizen.
- Holds at least a Diploma from an institution recognized in Kenya.
- Has a distinguished career in a medium level management position in either private or public sector.
- Holds at least five years post qualification professional experience.
- Is ordinarily resident or has a permanent dwelling in the municipality.
- Carries on business in the municipality.
- Has lived in the municipality for at least five years
- Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution 2010.
Awendo- Municipality Board Members (4 Posts)
- The Board of the Municipality shall perform the following functions;
- Oversee the affairs of the Municipality.
- Formulate and implement the integrated development plan.
- Develop and adopt policies, plans, strategies and programmes including setting targets for delivery of services.
- Control land use within the municipality, land sub-division, land development, and zoning by public and private sectors for any purpose including industry, commerce, markets, shopping and residential areas, parks, entertainment, passenger transport, agriculture, and freight and transit stations within the framework of the spatial plan.
- As delegated by the County Government, promote and undertake infrastructural
- Develop and manage schemes, including site development in collaboration with relevant national and county agencies.
- Maintain a comprehensive database and information system of the administration and provide public access thereto upon payment of a nominal fee to be determined by the board.
- Administer and regulate its internal affairs.
- Implement applicable natural and county legislation.
- Enter into such contracts, partnerships or joint ventures as it may consider necessary for the discharge of its functions under the Urban Areas and cities Act or other written law.
- Monitor and regulate municipal services where these services are provided by service providers other than the Board of the Municipality.
- Prepare its budget for approval by the County Executive Committee and administer the budget as approved.
- As may be delegated by the County Government, collect rates, taxes, levies, duties, fees and surcharge on fees.
- Settle and implement tariff, rates, tax and implement debt collection policies as delegated by the County Government.
- Monitor the impact and effectiveness of any services, policies, programs or plans
- Establish, implement and monitor performance management systems.
- Promote a healthy and safe environment.
- Facilitate and regulate public transport.
- Perform such other functions as may be delegated as may be delegated to it by thr county government or as may be provided for by any written law.
- Be a Kenyan Citizen.
- Holds at least a Diploma from an institution recognized in Kenya.
- Has a distinguished career in a medium level management position in either private or public sector.
- Holds at least five years post qualification professional experience.
- Is ordinarily resident or has a permanent dwelling in the municipality.
- Carries on business in the municipality.
- Has lived in the municipality for at least five years
- Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution 2010.
Migori- Municipality Board Members (4 Posts)
- The Board of the Municipality shall perform the following functions;
- Oversee the affairs of the Municipality.
- Formulate and implement the integrated development plan.
- Develop and adopt policies, plans, strategies and programmes including setting targets for delivery of services.
- Control land use within the municipality, land sub-division, land development, and zoning by public and private sectors for any purpose including industry, commerce, markets, shopping and residential areas, parks, entertainment, passenger transport, agriculture, and freight and transit stations within the framework of the spatial plan.
- As delegated by the County Government, promote and undertake infrastructural
- Develop and manage schemes, including site development in collaboration with relevant national and county agencies.
- Maintain a comprehensive database and information system of the administration and provide public access thereto upon payment of a nominal fee to be determined by the board.
- Administer and regulate its internal affairs.
- Implement applicable natural and county legislation.
- Enter into such contracts, partnerships or joint ventures as it may consider necessary for the discharge of its functions under the Urban Areas and cities Act or other written law.
- Monitor and regulate municipal services where these services are provided by service providers other than the Board of the Municipality.
- Prepare its budget for approval by the County Executive Committee and administer the budget as approved.
- As may be delegated by the County Government, collect rates, taxes, levies, duties, fees and surcharge on fees.
- Settle and implement tariff, rates, tax and implement debt collection policies as delegated by the County Government.
- Monitor the impact and effectiveness of any services, policies, programs or plans
- Establish, implement and monitor performance management systems.
- Promote a healthy and safe environment.
- Facilitate and regulate public transport.
- Perform such other functions as may be delegated as may be delegated to it by thr county government or as may be provided for by any written law.
- Be a Kenyan Citizen.
- Holds at least a Diploma from an institution recognized in Kenya.
- Has a distinguished career in a medium level management position in either private or public sector.
- Holds at least five years post qualification professional experience.
- Is ordinarily resident or has a permanent dwelling in the municipality.
- Carries on business in the municipality.
- Has lived in the municipality for at least five years
- Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution 2010.
Kehancha- Municipality Board Members (4 Posts)
- The Board of the Municipality shall perform the following functions;
- Oversee the affairs of the Municipality.
- Formulate and implement the integrated development plan.
- Develop and adopt policies, plans, strategies and programmes including setting targets for delivery of services.
- Control land use within the municipality, land sub-division, land development, and zoning by public and private sectors for any purpose including industry, commerce, markets, shopping and residential areas, parks, entertainment, passenger transport, agriculture, and freight and transit stations within the framework of the spatial plan.
- As delegated by the County Government, promote and undertake infrastructural
- Develop and manage schemes, including site development in collaboration with relevant national and county agencies.
- Maintain a comprehensive database and information system of the administration and provide public access thereto upon payment of a nominal fee to be determined by the board.
- Administer and regulate its internal affairs.
- Implement applicable natural and county legislation.
- Enter into such contracts, partnerships or joint ventures as it may consider necessary for the discharge of its functions under the Urban Areas and cities Act or other written law.
- Monitor and regulate municipal services where these services are provided by service providers other than the Board of the Municipality.
- Prepare its budget for approval by the County Executive Committee and administer the budget as approved.
- As may be delegated by the County Government, collect rates, taxes, levies, duties, fees and surcharge on fees.
- Settle and implement tariff, rates, tax and implement debt collection policies as delegated by the County Government.
- Monitor the impact and effectiveness of any services, policies, programs or plans
- Establish, implement and monitor performance management systems.
- Promote a healthy and safe environment.
- Facilitate and regulate public transport.
- Perform such other functions as may be delegated as may be delegated to it by thr county government or as may be provided for by any written law.
- Be a Kenyan Citizen.
- Holds at least a Diploma from an institution recognized in Kenya.
- Has a distinguished career in a medium level management position in either private or public sector.
- Holds at least five years post qualification professional experience.
- Is ordinarily resident or has a permanent dwelling in the municipality.
- Carries on business in the municipality.
- Has lived in the municipality for at least five years
- Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution 2010.
How to apply:
Written applications including a detailed Curriculum vitae, copies of academic and professional certificates, and ID card should be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked with the position applied
for and addressed to:
The selection panel
County Government of Migori
P. O Box 195-40400,
Applications can also be hand-delivered to the Office of County Secretary, Governor’s Office Migori County Headquarters, and must be received by 22nd February, 2023