If you’re an introvert, the idea of attending networking events may not be appealing to you. You’re not excited about the possibility of being surrounded by a bunch of strangers and struggling to find things to talk about. The reality is that networking can benefit you personally and professionally, and there are ways you can network without stress.
It would help if you found ways to network that work for you. Whether that means seeking smaller networking events or focusing your efforts online, there are ways you can network with confidence as an introvert.
1. Know Your Purpose
Knowing what you want to accomplish at networking events can keep you focused and prevent you from bailing out at the last minute. Attending networking events isn’t about collecting a stack of business cards. Why do you want to connect with new people? Is it because you’re looking for new clients, or are you looking for opportunities to let people know you’re looking for employment?
Being aware of your purpose when networking can help you create a list of questions you can ask to get the conversation started when you meet a new contact. Think about specific subjects you’d like to discuss to help you have discussions with purpose. Speaking of purpose, you might be interested in learning about the best careers for introverts.
2. Bring a Friend
You might feel more confident when attending a networking event with someone you know, so you should invite a colleague or friend to participate in the event with you. When you have someone with you, you may feel less pressure to be on all the time, and you can let your guard down.
If your friend or colleague is more outgoing than you, they can help introduce you to people and get the conversation started. Since finding someone to accompany you isn’t always possible, you can seek fellow introverts at the event and connect with them. You’ll have made a connection and found someone to help put your mind at ease, and you can do the same for them.
3. Use Event’s Social Media Pages to Connect With People Before the Event
Most events these days have a social media page, whether it’s on Facebook or LinkedIn. Attending an event where you already know some of the attendees can make you feel more comfortable, so check out the event’s page to find out if you already know anyone. Make a list of the people you’d like to connect with at the event.
If you’re not directly associated with someone you’d like to get to know, but you have mutual connections, you can ask one of those connections to make a virtual introduction before the event. You can also use social media to learn more about the people you want to connect with, and it can provide you with talking points for meeting in person.
4. Focus on Quality Over Quantity
You don’t have to attend significant networking events to make meaningful connections. If you’re uncomfortable in large group settings, you can network one-on-one, in person, on the phone, or virtually. You can ask friends and colleagues to connect you with people outside your immediate circle.
Networking isn’t a competition where the winner is the person who’s spoken with the most people. It’s critical to connect with people you think can have a positive impact on your career. Even if you leave an event with one special connection, you should consider it a successful event.
Don’t be discouraged if you don’t have a stack of business cards or connections at the event. You may have impressed someone with your listening skills since introverts are known to be good listeners.
You can use that to your advantage and make deep connections with one or two people instead of pressuring yourself to connect with a lot of people. Whenever you attend a networking event, you should strive to make at least two connections with people you didn’t know before the event.
5. Seek Online Networking Groups
If you’re unsure about attending in-person networking events, you can start with online groups and ease your way in. Once you get to know the people in the group, you may feel more confident about meeting everyone in person.
Online networking eliminates the anxiety of in-person meetings, where the idea of starting a conversation with strangers can cause you stress. Although you’re meeting virtually, this doesn’t mean you get to be a passive observer, and you still need to participate online actively.
There are numerous ways to find networking opportunities online. You can participate in Twitter chats, find LinkedIn and Facebook groups that interest you, and discover virtual and in-person networking opportunities on Meetup.com. You may also want to check out the best online communities for introverts.6. Don’t Hide Behind Your Phone
If you feel awkward about being at a networking event by yourself, it can be easy to occupy yourself with your cell phone. While it may seem as if you’re busy and important, even if you’re checking out your Facebook feed, most people will not approach you if they see you on your phone.
While looking at your phone can make you feel comfortable, it doesn’t help you achieve what you came to the event for. Remember your purpose for attending the event, put your phone away somewhere you can’t access it easily, and set a time limit when you can check it for any calls you missed and messages.
The next time you’re looking for something helpful to do with your phone, you might want to learn how TickTick can be an outstanding productivity app for introverts.
7. Use Tools to Help Keep You Calm Before a Networking Event
Introverts are known for spending a lot of time in their heads. Using tools to reduce your anxiety about attending a networking event is vital and helps you network confidently. Journaling is a great tool to help you get your thoughts out of your head and onto a page. Writing down your fears, celebrations, and ideas can help keep you calm and uplift you.
By getting most of the thoughts out of your mind before a networking event using journaling, you can clear your mind to focus on other things. Your journal is for your eyes only, so you can be as honest as you need. You may be interested in learning how to make an effective career journal to help you with this.
Another excellent tool you can use to help keep you calm before a networking event is meditation. Calm.com has meditations to help with different areas of wellness, including anxiety. There are different types of meditations at varying lengths, so it should be easy to find one that meets your needs.
There aren’t any complex rules on how you should meditate; however, you may benefit from finding a comfortable, quiet spot where you can sit in silence without interruptions. Meditating before a networking event can help establish a calm, refreshed, and relaxed state when you enter the function.
Shine as an Introvert
It’s still possible to stand out and get noticed as an introvert at networking events. You can introduce yourself to other introverts and even coordinate meetings of your own with like-minded people.
While it can be easy to assume that everyone remembers the people at the event who make it their goal to speak to everyone in the room, others will recall the thought-provoking conversations they had with you.
Don’t think you have to change who you are to have success professionally. It is possible to thrive professionally without being the most social person in the room.
Acknowledge your weaknesses, work to your strengths, and network in a way you feel confident.